In Fiji:

July 1, 2024, 3:53 pm
Fiji News

Bus operators welcome Vodafone e-ticketing deal

Felix Chaudhary
Manager News Current Affairs Sports | [email protected]
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The Fiji Bus Operators Association has welcomed the Coalition Government’s decision to award the tender for electronic ticketing services to Vodafone Fiji.

FBOA President Richard Lal said when the electronic ticketing system was introduced in August 2017, there was minimal consultation with bus operators and other stakeholders – and the process was rushed to roll-out.

“In this recent process for a new electronic ticketing system service provider, the Coalition Government, especially through Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica, has included bus operators in the important role of helping shape the terms of reference on which a new ticketing system is to be based, and were part of the Government Tender Committee,” Mr Lal said.

In 2017, when electronic ticketing was launched, an initial five-year contractual arrangement was made with Vodafone Fiji as the solution provider.

That service contract with Vodafone ended in July 2022 and with 2022 being an election year, e-ticketing with Vodafone was extended for a further period with mutual agreement between the bus operators and the government to ensure minimal disruption to service before a new system could be commissioned.

Vodafone had formally written to the bus operators and Government advising that the current system was nearing its end-of-life and must be replaced with a new system for a smooth transition.

After the change in Government, bus operators took the responsibility of the shape and form the new e-ticketing system would take.

Having finalised the terms of reference (TOR), a call for expressions of interest was made in November 2023 seeking proposals from prospective e-ticketing solution providers through a government tender process. After a thorough and transparent evaluation process by an independent panel, Vodafone Fiji was once again selected as the vendor to provide e-ticketing system 2.0.

A formal notification was sent to Vodafone by Government in May 2024 as the approved vendor to provide this system.

The majority of bus operators have supported the awarding of the tender to Vodafone Fiji for three reasons:

•            Vodafone is a 100% locally owned company, majority owned by FNPF with over 250,000 ordinary working Fijians as members of FNPF who will benefit from this deal. They also make up the bulk of daily bus passengers and any profits will be returned to members as interest on their FNPF contributions through Vodafone dividends.

•            In the past seven years as the e-ticketing solution provider, Vodafone Fiji has taken on feedback and learnings which they will implement in an improved and modern system.

•            Bus operators have established a good working relationship with Vodafone Fiji to ensure issues are resolved in a timely manner so that there is minimal disruption to the travelling public. While there have been some issues with Vodafone Fiji, generally they have been responsive to faults and issues.