In Fiji:

June 15, 2024, 3:00 pm
Fiji News

100 Assemblies of God pastors undergo training

Fiji One News Team
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In an effort to advocate for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Assemblies of God church hosted a training program this morning under the Bill Newman Crusade.

The training preparation oversaw 100 pastors from churches throughout the country who will be bringing the solutions discussed at the training program back to their respective churches.

Pastor Darin Browne of the Bill Newman Crusade Ministries says that they believe that Fiji is a nation with a great destiny and is still very much in the hands of God.

The pastors from the respective local churches expressed their appreciation for being able to participate in a program that would address the issues prevalent in Fiji.

He adds he would gladly like to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ reach into the hearts of youths in the nation and resort to Christ instead of drugs.

The training program which opened today will continue throughout the week.

(By Jonathan Kumar)