In Fiji:

April 23, 2024, 11:15 am

Miracle baby born within tragedy in Gaza

Georgina Ledua
Digital Media Specialist | [email protected]
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In the heart of the Gaza conflict, a glimmer of hope emerged amidst the devastation as a baby girl defied the odds to enter the world, while her family fell victim to the brutal violence.

Sabreen al-Sakani, a young mother carrying her child through the terrors of war, saw her hopes shattered in a single moment of terror.

Israeli airstrikes struck their home in Rafah, claiming the lives of Sabreen’s husband and their three-year-old daughter, Malak. Despite her own extensive injuries, Sabreen’s unborn baby miraculously clung to life within her womb.

Rescue workers, amidst the chaos and rubble, raced against time to save the unborn child. Sabreen was rushed to the hospital, where doctors performed an emergency Caesarean section. Tragically, Sabreen couldn’t be saved, but the baby girl emerged, fighting for breath, weighing just 1.4 kilograms.

Dr. Mohammed Salama, head of the emergency neo-natal unit, recounted the harrowing moments following the baby’s birth. Despite severe respiratory distress, the newborn showed signs of progress, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the tragedy.

However, the road ahead remains uncertain for the infant, who was born into a world of grief and loss. With her family torn apart by conflict, she faces an uncertain future, with only the memories of her mother and sister to guide her.

As surviving family members grapple with their grief and anger, questions of justice and accountability loom large. Sabreen’s grandmother, Mirvat al-Sakani, lamented the senseless loss of innocent lives, while her uncle, Rami al-Sheikh, questioned the indiscriminate targeting of civilians.

In the midst of geopolitical tensions and military operations, innocent civilians continue to bear the brunt of the conflict.

As international appeals for peace and humanitarian aid intensify, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for a respite from the cycle of violence that has gripped the region for far too long.