In Fiji:

February 2, 2023, 8:34 am
Business, Fiji News, Politics

Sawanikula village welcomes Prime Minister

Fiji One News Team
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The Head of Government, Prime Minister Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka was accorded a traditional ‘vakamamaca’ by the village of Sawanikula in the highlands of Naitasiri yesterday (01/02/23).

The villagers of Sawanikula and other neighbouring villages welcomed PM Rabuka and wished him and the rest of the Cabinet members well in their new roles as the leaders of the country.

Villagers also took the opportunity to raise their concerns on some continuing issues faced in the past. These matters included the development of proper roads, a Government station, the accessibility of medical services to the villages in the upper regions of the district, the construction of playgrounds, factors linked with climate change, the maintenance and upgrading of the nearby schools, business/cooperative opportunities and trainings for the youth groups and women, and telecommunication issues.

The Prime Minister thanked the district representatives, village headmen and individuals for raising their concerns and has assured them that the Government will provide the best service that they can. He also expressed his gratitude for the ongoing partnership between villagers and Government officials serving the province.

PM Rabuka also urged civil servants to speak out with confidence to the leaders of the day.

“To the civil servants, be free. Use your Prime Minister, of if His Excellency the President is here, express yourselves freely. We are here to listen – if we do not listen to you, or if we cannot hear you, then we cannot make the right decisions. Carry out your duties with integrity and speak with confidence, it will portray that you are aware and you care about the concerns being raised to you by the villagers,” PM Rabuka stated.