In Fiji:

June 15, 2024, 12:14 pm
Fiji News

Immigration department talks with DPM Kamikamica about important issues

Fiji One News Team
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Yesterday in Suva, officials from the Immigration Department met with Manoa Kamikamica, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Co-ops, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Communications.

Mr. Mason Smith, the Permanent Secretary of Home Affairs and Immigration, Ms. Amelia Komaisavai, the Director of Immigration, senior managers, and officials from other departmental departments were present at the meeting.

In-depth presentations on the department’s current operations were given during the conference, with a focus on crucial areas such the issuing of passports, work permits, visas, and other necessary permits.

The main goal of the discussions was to find ways to improve the department’s systems and processes’ efficiency.

DPM Kamikamica conveyed his appreciation to the group for their continuous devotion and pledge to provide excellent service.

In order to streamline and modernize departmental operations, he emphasized the significance of working in tandem with the ITC department and presented various ideas to improve service delivery.

The possible advantages of these upgrades for the department and the larger community were emphasized once the discussion came to an end.