In Fiji:

May 24, 2024, 12:54 pm
Business, Fiji News

North America mission “promising” says Chetty

Felix Chaudhary
Manager News Current Affairs Sports | [email protected]
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Investment Fiji says its recent Business Mission to North America was “promising.”

Led by Deputy Prime Minister and Trade Minister Manoa Kamikamica, the mission took place from May 4 to May 14.

Investment Fiji chief executive officer Kamal Chetty announced the mission’s outcomes, highlighting its success in engaging with the Fijian diaspora and fostering new business opportunities.

 “We met hundreds of members of the diaspora communities in Surrey, San Francisco, and Toronto,” he said.

“Diaspora who have excelled in these countries and are thriving in their businesses have expressed interest in coming and investing in Fiji in various sectors, including agriculture and tourism. These are significant investors, and therefore we can say that the mission was promising.”

Mr Chetty said beyond business leaders, other diaspora members expressed a desire to return to Fiji to start their own businesses.

 “Investment Fiji received numerous leads, and the next step involves following up with these potential investors to provide the necessary support and assistance.”

 He added that the mission also facilitated valuable connections for Fijian exporters who were introduced to numerous businesses in North America that showed keen interest in importing Fijian products.

Exporters from Fiji participated in presentations from relevant customs and border authorities on the requirements and processes involved in exporting to the USA and Canada.

 “Our exporters visited several shops, engaged directly with business owners, and are currently in talks to proceed further. They were also educated on how products should be labeled and packed to meet North American standards.”