In Fiji:

June 14, 2024, 11:00 am
Education, Fiji News

Need for education, acceptance and support for people with albinism

Mereoni Mili
| [email protected]
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Using respectful language when referring to persons with albinism and avoid derogatory terms was emphasised at this years

International Albinism Awareness Day at Novotel in Lami yesterday morning.

Albinism is a genetic disorder where someone is not born with the usual amount of melanin pigment.

Manager of Inclusive Development at Pacific Disability Forum and a person with Albinism Sainimili Tawake highlights the challenges faced by persons with Albinism, including stigmatisation and lack of representation. 

A Dermatologist and Founder of the Fiji Albinism Project stresses the need for education, acceptance and support for people with albinism. 

The event highlighted the need for greater understanding and support to address the unique challenges faced by persons with albinism.