In Fiji:

December 8, 2023, 2:57 pm
Fiji News

PM conveys congratulatory message to new Kiwi Prime Minister

Fiji One News Team
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Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sitiveni Rabuka has conveyed a congratulatory message to New Zealand’s newly appointed Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.

Rabuka extended his best wishes to Prime Minister Luxon, and reaffirmed Fiji’s unwavering commitment to advance diplomatic relations and cooperation.

“As New Zealand’s largest trading partner in the Pacific, we are confident that our continued cooperation will add to the strengthening of ties at all levels.We also have mutual interests in combatting the existential threat of climate change and welfare of our oceans. I look forward to New Zealand’s continued support in this regard.”

Rabuka said Fiji looks forward to hosting Prime Minister Luxon at the earliest opportunity as a demonstration of continued commitment to strengthening the bilateral relations and cooperation between Fiji and New Zealand.

Christopher Luxon is the 42nd Prime Minister of New Zealand.

He is also the Minister for National Security and Intelligence and the Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services.