In Fiji:

June 27, 2024, 12:54 pm
Fiji News

The new Japanese ambassador to Fiji pays a courtesy visit to the Employment Minister

Fiji One News Team
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Agni Deo Singh, Minister of Employment, Productivity, and Industrial Relations, received a courtesy call by His Excellency, Mr. Rokuichiro Michii, the recently appointed Japanese Ambassador to Fiji.

Minister Singh greeted Mr. Michii, acknowledged the long-standing connection between the two countries, thanked him for coming, and expressed gratitude for the actions taken by the Japanese government towards Fiji.

He also praised their ongoing dedication to bolstering bilateral relations and offering support for the socioeconomic advancement of Fiji.

Mutually beneficial topics including people-to-people exchanges, joint job prospects, support for occupational health and safety, and technical vocational training were discussed.

Minister Singh further thanked the Japanese government’s contribution to nation-building and reiterated the Fijian government’s commitment to the chance to expand bilateral collaboration.

In addition to expressing gratitude to the Employment Minister, Mr. Michii reaffirmed Japan’s commitment to aiding Fiji’s endeavors and looked forward to future cooperation.