In Fiji:

June 21, 2024, 4:51 pm
Fiji News

3-day LTA roadshow for Keiyasi

Felix Chaudhary
Manager News Current Affairs Sports | [email protected]
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The Land Transport Authority’s three-day roadshow at Vatumali Government Station, Keiyasi, next week, will provide services specific to the needs of the Navosa community.

LTA Acting CEO Irimai Rokosawa said the roadshow was a significant step in aligning with Government’s plan to stimulate growth and economic development within Navosa Province.

He said the state’s commitment to that development was solidified at the groundbreaking ceremony in February this year for the new Keiyasi town project.

Mr Rokosawa said it was anticipated that upon completion, the new town would benefit more than 10,000 Fijians from the provinces of Nadroga, Navosa and the highlands of Ba.

“At the heart of the roadshow, LTA will offer a range of services designed to cater to the specific requirements of the Navosa community,” he said.

Our team of experts will be available to provide detailed consultations on learners and permits, ensuring that all applicants are well-informed about the checklist and requirements needed to proceed,” he said.

“Taking our services to the people in this province will greatly reduce cost and travelling time to Sigatoka Town where the business and trade hub is located, about 53 kilometres away. “Additionally, the Authority will conduct road safety awareness sessions at the roadshow to educate and engage the community on the importance of safe driving practices.”