In Fiji:

June 27, 2024, 5:00 pm
Fiji News

Catanasiga urge leaders to put people first

Mereoni Mili
| [email protected]
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“Put people first.”

That is the call from the Fiji Council of Social Services Executive Director Vani Catanasiga as the government is set to announce the national budget tomorrow at 10am.

A national budget is one of the most important public documents, as it is a translation of the country’s national development goals into annual spending plans.

The Fiji Council of Social Services submission to goovernment on the budget raises many issues including the drug epidemic.  

Catanasiga adds excess and infrastructure should be prioritised. 

She says the government must consider the concern of workers on the wage rate. 

FCOSS, an organisation that works with the grassroots hope that the government will take decisive action for the good of the people.