In Fiji:

June 19, 2024, 3:00 pm
Fiji News, Rugby, Sports

Daksesh Patel new President for Ba Rugby Union

Irfaan Khan
| [email protected]
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Ba Rugby Union has a new president.

Businessman Daksesh Patel will now spearhead Ba’s campaign in the new season, after being elected in their Annual General Meeting.

Patel, who is the son of late Vinod Patel was elected unopposed.

The new executives of Ba Rugby Union are Vinivini Daulali, Jemesa Toutou, Jo Vale, and Noa Kautoga.

Gaby Kautoga was re-elected as secretary and Jeremy Duxbury the treasurer.

while Sakiusa Narara and a Women’s Player Rep Torika Tabua are the players’ reps.