In Fiji:

March 29, 2024, 11:30 am
Culture, World

Gen Z’s latest phase: ‘girl dinner’ preferred over traditional meals

Georgina Ledua
Digital Media Specialist |
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A recent study commissioned by global snack giant Mondelez has unveiled a shift in eating habits among New Zealand’s Generation Z, with a significant portion opting for snacks throughout the day instead of traditional meals.

According to the report, 40 percent of Gen Z individuals, defined as those aged 26 and under, choose to skip breakfast in favor of snacking, while nearly half prefer late-night snacks over dinner.

Craig Dowling, representing Mondelez New Zealand, attributes this trend to the busy lifestyles of younger generations, who often balance multiple jobs and academic pursuits.

He suggests that Gen Z may be prioritizing snacking based on personal hunger cues rather than adhering to structured meal times imposed by society.

Nutritionist Julie North concurs, emphasizing the importance of making nutritious choices when snacking frequently throughout the day.

While snacking is acceptable, North advises individuals to select snacks that offer essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and protein.

A sample of girl dinners on TikTok.

North recommends incorporating dairy products, lean meats, and fiber-rich foods into snack options to ensure adequate nutrition.

She also advises consumers to consider health star ratings when choosing store-bought snacks, aiming for options that provide a balance of energy and essential nutrients.

The study identifies Gen Z as “social snackers,” highlighting the role of snacking in facilitating social connections and emotional well-being.

Dowling emphasizes the significance of snacking as a means of socializing and fostering connections, describing it as a simple yet powerful way to engage with others.

As snacking continues to gain popularity among younger generations, the emphasis remains on making informed choices to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet while enjoying the convenience and sociability of snacking culture.