In Fiji:

June 27, 2024, 5:28 pm
Fiji News

Govt slow to respond to skills loss, says Fiscal Review Committee

Felix Chaudhary
Manager News Current Affairs Sports | [email protected]
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The Fiscal Review Committee says Government has not responded to critical economic factors like people migrating or departing on work permits to fill skills gaps in Australia and New Zealand.

Committee chair Richard Naidu, in a letter to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad, labelled the issue, a “debilitating loss of skills” for Fiji.

The letter said, in the Committee’s view, “Government has not responded to these developments with the urgency and flexibility that is needed.”

“In particular, it has not moved quickly enough to improve immigration measures to bring in the skills Fiji needs and replace the skills Fiji has lost. Nor has it been able to deliver key initiatives, particularly on its capital expenditure programme, which could create the additional economic activity to fill the gap between actual rate of growth and the rate which is necessary (minimum 5% per annum) to ensure improved economic and social outcomes for Fiji’s people.”