In Fiji:

June 16, 2024, 6:00 pm
Fiji News

Humble upbringing inspires PC Nacola to join Fiji Police

Mereoni Mili
| [email protected]
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Police Constable Ramanu Nacola Ryland, was awarded the “Commissioner’s Book Prize” for Batch 67, during the Police pass-out parade on Friday.

PC Nacola attained the highest mark in the Basic Recruits Course Examinations.

He said his humble upbringing in Cakaudrove and his hope to give back to his family inspired him to become a police officer.

The 30-year-old father of three said it was his family that kept him going during the 16 weeks of rigorous training.

He acknowledged his instructors at the Fiji Police Training Academy for their guidance and belief in him.

PC Nacola’s parents are proud of their son’s achievement and resilience.

PC Nacola’s father Erebola Ramanu said his son had faced many challenges but was determined to become a police officer.

“He was studying at USP and faced some challenges but he can always try again. I’m glad he has chosen another part. He worked hard and I’m proud of his new journey.”

PC Nacola will be posted to the Labasa Police Station.