In Fiji:

June 17, 2024, 5:08 pm
Fiji News

Kadavu jetty opens the door to opportunities

Felix Chaudhary
Manager News Current Affairs Sports | [email protected]
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The opening of the $230,000 Muani Jetty in Kadavu on Saturday promises more efficient transport of pine logs to Lautoka Port for processing.

The jetty was officially inaugurated by the Acting Permanent Secretary of Fisheries and Forestry, Rovereto Nayacalevu, alongside Fiji Pine Groups of Companies executive chairman Ratu Rakuita Vakalalabure.

The event also acknowledged the invaluable contribution of the Vanua Waikatakata, Turaga na Juravu, for providing boulder materials crucial to the jetty’s construction.

The Fiji Roads Authority and Naboutini Transport were acknowledged for their work in completing the project despite challenging weather conditions.

A significant highlight of the opening ceremony was the successful berthing of the Genesis Shipping barge at the new jetty.

The event was marked by the loading of the first truckload of 2000 tonnes pine logs onto the barge. It departed Muani at 7am on Saturday morning and arrived at Lautoka port at 12pm yesterday.

The Muani Jetty heralds a promising future for the Muani Pine Scheme, as it ensures more efficient transportation and development opportunities.

The jetty construction was funded by a $700,000 grant from the Coalition Government.