In Fiji:

June 20, 2024, 8:12 am
Business, Fiji News

More than $4b from tourism possible, says Gavoka

Felix Chaudhary
Manager News Current Affairs Sports | [email protected]
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Tourism could rake in more than $4 billion for the country per annum in the next four years, says Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism Minister Viliame Gavoka.

Speaking at the launch of Fiji’s National Sustainable Tourism Framework this week, he also said the benefits of bringing in more visitors to our shores, should also be realized by ordinary Fijians in terms of better job opportunities.

“I asked my team, why don’t we have a target of some 2-3 million visitors by 2034,” he said.

“I was told, quite passionately, that’s not what we want.

“Sure, more visitors means more revenue.

“But what good is revenue if there aren’t decent jobs for our people.

“What good is revenue if our communities – even the most remote – don’t prosper.

“What good is revenue if it comes at the expense of our environment and our culture.”

Mr Gavoka said the collective vision for tourism by 2034 was for Fiji’s sustainable, thriving and inclusive tourism sector, to promote community wellbeing, provide equitable opportunities, and restore and protect, the country’s unique cultural heritage and biodiversity.

“Last year, not only did we break visitor arrival record, but the tourism sector contributed an estimated $3.2 billion to the Fijian economy.

“In fact in last month, we received 82,901 visitors.

“May was a record and a significant increase of 10.3 percent compared to a year earlier. And an increase of 7.3 percent compared to April 2024.

“At the rate at which we are growing, we could be seeing $4.2 billion in 4 years.”